Sarah May

Musician, Writer, Social Activist, UK

“I am a musician, writer, and social activist with a background in criminology and criminal justice, social psychology, and spiritual healing. I love exploring the diverse and natural beauty of this world.

 After witnessing the destruction of the climate crisis firsthand, it really broke my heart to see the suffering it caused to so many people, to animals, and to watch a paradise on Earth be totally destroyed. I realised how urgent and unjust it was, and so have dedicated my focus to try and find ways to help get justice. 

I believe the abuse and destruction of Mother Earth is probably the most heinous crime there is, as it is an attack on the creator of all life itself. Without a healthy and habitable planet, no one and no thing will be able to live a prosperous and joyful life. We all must do everything we can to build a better world out of love, hope and respect for life. Having ecocide recognised as an international crime would be a huge win in building this new world. 

Being an artist for ecocide law combines three things that I'm super passionate about; music, nature, and criminal justice.

I have a song that I wrote about the typhoon which you can view here.”