Convergence of injustice


Anyone in the (so-called) “first world” who is not either examining their identity, privilege and prejudices right now or protesting those of others is simply not paying attention.  Which is a pretty extraordinary situation, and many would argue decades - if not centuries - overdue. 

While the precise form of this moment of (yes) horror and (yes) crisis and (yes) awakening could not have been predicted, should any of us be surprised that ecological, health, social and racial injustice which have been turned away from and violently silenced have all converged to become visible at once? 

It is all connected.  We are all connected - to each other and to the living world.  We are interdependent participants in an inescapable, ongoing mutual exchange of energy.  It ought to be beautiful.  Indigenous voices have been telling the rest of us this for a very long time. 

But over 2 millennia of dualistic thinking (ideal vs real, spiritual vs earthly, reason vs nature) have led to a mindset of separation so profound that a small number feel able to treat both nature and other people as an infinite resource… and the majority have been either subjugated or brainwashed into considering that state of affairs either inevitable or desirable.

We know that the roots of ECOCIDE – mass damage and destruction of nature – are inextricably intertwined with this brutal exploitation, colonialism and profound misunderstanding of how the living world really works. 

We know that as a result, ECOCIDE has become the material basis of the entire global economic system. 

We also know that this can be changed.

At Stop Ecocide we focus on one thing - making ECOCIDE an international crime.  Our supporters fund the diplomatic, legal and awareness-raising work to make this possible.  We believe it is a foundational piece of protective law, one which can be simply implemented within existing systems and which will signal a profound shift in humanity’s operating framework. 

We know that criminalising ecocide will not fix everything.  But we do know it is a bridge to a liveable world.  Without doing this, there is little hope that the toxic practices of the fossil fuel, mineral extraction, agricultural and manufacturing industries – practices perpetuating the worst human rights and ecological atrocities and the biggest threats to climate stability - will be stopped in time, if at all.  

We stand in solidarity with Black Lives Matter and with all courageous protectors of justice for people and the planet.

