The Devastating Impact Of Ecocide On Women and Children In Uganda

This guest blog is part of a series intended as a dedicated space for the many global movements/campaigns around the globe confronting ecosystem destruction to share their stories, narratives and perspectives.

This blog was written by Linet Nabwire, a climate justice advocate, and Team Leader and Founder of Climate Transformation Network.


In recent years, Uganda has experienced the severe consequences of climate change, with distressing consequences for vulnerable communities, particularly in Namulindwa (Eastern Uganda) and the Kasese region. These regions have faced catastrophic landslides and floods, resulting in the displacement of people, the loss of life, and the destruction of property. 

Ecocide, the widespread or long-term destruction of ecosystems, includes acts such as the clear cutting of primary rainforest deforestation or vast oil spills and can be understood as a crime against both humans and the environment. The human consequences of ecocide are disproportionately experienced by vulnerable communities, exacerbating social inequalities and gender disparities. In Uganda, women and children bear the brunt of ecological destruction. This article aims to shed light on the far-reaching impacts of ecocide on these marginalised groups and amplify the urgent need for action.

Bearing the Weight of Ecological Devastation

Women in Uganda, especially those residing in Namisindwa and the Kasese region, face the harshest consequences of ecocide. They are often the primary caregivers, responsible for providing food, water, and shelter for their families. As natural resources become scarce due to climate change, women are forced to travel longer distances to fetch water and firewood, putting them at greater risk of harassment, assault, and even death. Additionally, environmental degradation disrupts agricultural systems, leaving women farmers struggling to feed their families.

Children and girls are inherently vulnerable to the repercussions of ecocide. The devastating landslides and floods triggered by climate change has disrupted  access to education, healthcare, and basic necessities. Schools are destroyed or inaccessible, leading to interrupted education, particularly for girls who are more likely to be withdrawn from school due to traditional gender norms. Moreover, these disasters increase the prevalence of child labour, early marriages, and human trafficking, robbing children and girls of their childhood and future prospects.

Addressing the crisis

Faced with these harrowing realities, the Climate Transformation Network (CTN) emerged as a beacon of hope for the affected communities. CTN recognizes that addressing the consequences of climate change requires concerted efforts towards sustainable development, environmental preservation, and the empowerment of women and children. The organisation’s innovative project of crafting wall hangings and photo frames from recycled metallic bottle tops and cut-out pieces of clothes not only tackles environmental pollution but also provides a source of income for the marginalised women and girls.

Like many in the global south, the women and children of Uganda bear the least responsibility for the ecological and climate impacts that are increasingly threatening their lives and livelihoods. They are falling through a gap in international criminal law, which currently lacks provisions to punish and prevent the most severe forms of environmental destruction. These harms transcend communities and borders and destroy human lives. It is imperative that governments take steps to establish ecocide legislation at both domestic and international levels. Additionally, empowering women and girls through education, skills training, and leadership development is crucial to enhance their resilience and ability to adapt to an increasingly unforgiving climate.

As individuals, we can contribute by supporting organisations like CTN through donations, volunteering, or by purchasing their sustainable crafts. Moreover, raising awareness about the impacts of ecocide on women and children in Uganda is essential to inspire meaningful change and garner public support for climate and ecological justice.


“Ecocide should be prosecuted in times of peace as well as conflict” - Michael Mansfield KC


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