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Youth for Ecocide Law: the legal framework for the future we want



A recording of this event will be available shortly after and distributed across our usual platforms.


In person at:
The Victory Hotel, Lilla Nygatan 5,
Gamla Stan, 111 28 Stockholm.
Room: Victory.
19:30 - 21:00 (CEST, Stockholm)

Registration essential.


What is decided at Stockholm+50 this year will help shape the future for generations to come. In their position paper for S+50, the global youth task force calls for all governments to criminalize large-scale environmental destruction by including ecocide in the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. They know that we won’t be able to accelerate towards a healthy planet for all without an international crime of ecocide.

That is why, the newly launched network Youth For Ecocide Law, will host a panel discussion on May 31st (19:30-21:00) to open a space for global youth voices to discuss the importance of an ecocide law in relation to Stockholm+50. Drawing on the global youth position paper for S+50, they will share their key demands to achieve a healthy planet, prosperity for all and a thriving future, and reflect on the crucial role of criminalising ecocide. The audience will be invited to participate actively using interactive digital tools.


The young advocates featured in the panel discussion are part of the Youth Environmental Assembly and the Stockholm+50 Youth Task Force:

Dalia Márquez from Venezuela (Lawyer with master degree on Human rights, Youth Task Force Stockholm+50 member, founder of Juventud Unida en Acción")

Hanna Soldal from Sweden (Church of Sweden’s Youth)

Yoko Lu from Japan (GYBN - Global Youth Biodiversity Network & Stockholm+50 Youth Task Force Member)

Tova Lindqvist from Sweden (National Council of Swedish Youth Organizations, End Ecocide Sweden, Act Alliance Youth CoP).

Brian Maina from Kenya (Regional Coordinator for Africa at Catalyst 2030, Founder Eco Rafiki Africa CoFounder AfriCan Youth4Climate, SDG Youth Wave, Kenyan COP26 Youth Delegate).

Moderated by: Louise Romain, grassroots outreach for Stop Ecocide International (UK/France).

This event has been organised by Youth for Ecocide Law.
With support from Stop Ecocide International, Stop Ecocide Foundation, End Ecocide Sweden and Juventud Unida en Acción.

May 31

Stockholm+50 Backdoor: Ecocide Law,  the Stockholm legacy

June 1

Urgent legal action for a healthy planet: a new international crime of Ecocide