Support our crucial work to make ecocide an international crime

If you're on this page, we know you've already put your trust, faith and energy behind what we're doing.

We are already immensely grateful.

Whatever you donate here is more than financial support. It's an alignment, with ours, of the most powerful creative force on the planet, second only to that of nature herself: human intention.
Together, we are actively creating the bridge to a future where life is honoured and protected.



More donation options are detailed below:

Support Earth Songs publication

You are warmly invited to support the publication of this beautiful volume of Jehanne Mehta’s contemporary English folk songs inspired by seasons and legends, landscapes and heartscapes.

All proceeds from first print run and thereafter all royalties going to Stop Ecocide International.


Bank transfer

Please use these details:

Bank: Triodos Bank NV
Account name: Stop Ecocide Foundation
Ac number/IBAN: NL47 TRIO 0788 8730 32
Address: PO Box 55, 3700AB Zeist, Netherlands

Leaving a gift in your will

Remembering us in your will is a gift to the future. It can be as simple as including a sentence in your will making explicit your wish for some or all of your estate to be gifted to our work.

If you have any questions or want help with how to do this please contact

We deeply appreciate your planned giving.


UK-based donation (non-charitable)

Via bank transfer to:

Bank: Co-operative Bank
Account name: Stop Ecocide International Ltd
Sort code: 08-92-99
Account number: 69731705
Bank address: P.O. Box 101, 1 Balloon Street, Manchester M60 4EP

Charitable donations can be sent via the Earth Community Trust HERE

US-based donation

US funders can donate as a Donor Advised Gift (DAG) via CAF America HERE.

CAF America is the fiscal sponsor for Stop Ecocide International in the United States. You will receive a letter from CAF America acknowledging your donation along with EIN #.

Should you wish to speak with someone about your donation, use of funds and/or see a detailed grant, please contact